If you enjoy blog posts on Raising the Extraordinary by Amy Mattson, check out her latest book, Beyond the Diagnosis: The Path to Thriving as a Special Needs Parent.

Finding yourself on the path of a special needs family is often an unexpected journey few are prepared for.
A special needs diagnosis can mean the loss of dreams for some families. Author Amy Mattson knows that heartache and wants you to discover true joy along your uncertain journey as a parent of a child with special needs.
When Amy’s two children were diagnosed with cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, anxiety, and dyslexia, her family life was in a tailspin of confusion. There was nobody she could relate to, or who understood the journey she was on as a special needs mom. All of the resources she found were regarding her children’s diagnoses or disability. What she needed, however, was Beyond the Diagnosis. She needed to know she wasn’t alone and how to thrive as a special needs parent. Let her experience help guide you to:
- understand the need to grieve your broken dreams
- overcome the guilt you have for feeling sadness, loss, and grief
- accept that your feelings of sadness and loss are valid
- build friendships in your new community and put your isolation behind you
- realize that precious memories and joy are ahead
- understand your need for self-care and respite
- make you and your marriage priorities
- celebrate the small victories
- embrace your new reality
Read the Introduction here.
Beyond the Diagnosis includes action steps at the end of each chapter designed to help you reflect on the information, and apply it to your own life. They can help to guide you beyond the diagnosis to the point of thriving. Some of these action steps will help you to reflect on what you’ve just read and to record your feelings through journal prompts. Others will guide you in putting into practice the habits that allow you to thrive, such as creating a plan to make self-care a part of your routine. These action steps could also facilitate discussions making Beyond the Diagnosis a resource for a support group or a church small group.
The lessons Amy learned took her and her family from a point of grieving to thriving. Her stories, both painful and encouraging, can help you get on the path to becoming the thriving special needs family. God created you to thrive, and you can thrive even as a special needs family.
Purchase your copy of Beyond the Diagnosis by Amy Mattson.